Butts On-Chain, on Canto®

An NFT collection to finally bring a variety of butts — both real and imagined — to the Canto blockchain.


🏆 Winner of Canto Hackathon #3, NFT category 🏆

From high in the Swiss Alps, Butts on Canto strives to bring legitimate design and craftsmanship to the Canto blockchain.

TL;DR? Jump to minting, pricing and giveaways.

Josef Muller-Brockmann We seek to stand out from the pixelated derivatives dominating the market, instead bringing to the forefront the clean design sensibilities of the Swiss Graphic Design and Advertising scene that flourished from the 1940s to 1970s.

And what better content to stunningly showcase than four hundred and twenty unique butts, optionally on-chain?

Robert Bringhurst We leveraged Apple's CoreText typesetting system to programmatically optimize text fitting, leading, and kerning across the collection. In this way we were able to support a variety of copy while adhering to the elements of typographic style.

For those seeking a truly on-chain experience, please see see below.

There are no rarities in this collection. Each token is unique and we believe some will stand out as being more desirable than others. You'll have to cross your fingers and hope for a good draw, or scour the secondary market to find your favorite.

On-Chain Abilities

Butts on Canto offers two degrees of on-chain-ness, adjustable by the NFT's holder.

While the metadata for all tokens live on-chain, the on-chain storage of the images can be toggled.

By default, the full color PNG is hosted on IPFS. That's somewhat on-chain, but we can do better.

A holder can choose to engage a deeper on-chain mode, per token. If engaged, an SVG representation of the token - fully generated from within an upgradeable renderer contract - will replace the the external PNG reference in the metadata.

This is made possible by calling ButtsOnCanto721's toggleOnChainButtSituation method with a Token ID held by your wallet. You can call this at any time, from the block explorer or from this website. This mode is reversable.

You can just call that function again to switch back to off-chain mode.

We made sure that the typography and layout of the on-chain variation is typeset appropriately, with leading and vertical alignment tailored to the length of each sweet butt. Plus, the color highlights of the pre-rendered PNG match the contract generated SVG! That's all done on-chain, baby.

unicornbuttpreserved for eternity onthe Canto blockchain
greatwhitesharkbuttpreserved for eternity onthe Canto blockchain

Pricing & Mint

The general sale price for these tokens is 250 CANTO - with discounts and give-aways applied according to your holdings of the following collections - as captured in snapshots:

Anyone holding at least THREE of these collections is entitled to one free NFT.

Anyone holding TWO of those FIVE collections will receive a single mint at 2/3s off.

Anyone holding NFTs from ONE of those collections will receive a single mint at half off.

NOTE: The discounted price only applies to the first Butt you mint, regardless of quantities you hold of any of the above collections. The largest discount will be applied. per wallet, one time.


Connect your wallet to view your claims and mint:

Thank you and enjoy!

Future Plans Not a Roadmap

Who can see the future? No one. But, if the Canto community responds positively to this collection, we would like to continue momentum by releasing a special dripping $BUTT ERC20.

Such a coin would be streamed to NFT holders on a schedule, and may grant holders access to custom butts, some spicy fiat oriented gifts (maybe!), but no matter what: definitely $BUTT in your portfolio.